PG-I SE Series | Version 1.04
Step 2: Use a brush to remove carbon deposits from the
spark arrester screen. Be careful not to da-
mage the spark arrester. The spark arrester
must be free of breaks and cracks. Replace the
spark arrester if it is damaged.
Fig. 38: Clean spark catcher
Step 3: Install the spark arrester in reverse order.
12.6.5 Empty fuel tank
Remove the fuel tank cap, remove the fuel strainer and
empty the fuel tank into an approved fuel tank. We re-
commend the use of a commercially available gasoline
hand pump to empty the tank. Do not use an electric
pump. Reinstall the fuel strainer and fuel tank cap.
12.6.6 Clean the carburetor
Step 1: Loosen the screws on the side of the right main-
tenance cover. Remove the cover and put it
Step 2: Turn the multiswitch to the RUN position (only for
model PG-I 80 SE).
Step 3: Place a suitable container under the carburetor
drain plug to collect fuel. Loosen the screw.
Step 4: Drain the fuel completely into the tank.
Step 5: Tighten the drain plug.
Step 6: Set the multiswitch to OFF (PG-I 80 SE model
13 Troubleshooting
Possible cause
The generator won‘t start.
No fuel
Defective spark plug
Load connected at start
Water in fuel
Replace the spark plug
Remove load from device
Drain and refill fuel
Generator does not start; genera-
tor starts, but runs unstable
Low oil level
Choke in the wrong position
loose ignition cable
Dirty air filter
Refill with oil
Place choke in correct position
Attach the cable to the spark plug.
Clean air filter. Replace if necessary
Generator switches off during ope-
No petrol
Low oil level
Refill the petrol
Refill with oil
Generator cannot provide enough
power or overheats
Generator is overloaded
Insufficient ventilation
Check the load
Check ventilation / clean if necessary
Repeated tripping of the circuit-
Cable or device are defective
Check the load
Check for damage or defect
No alternating current output
Cable not properly connected
Connected device is defective
Circuit breaker tripped
Loose wiring
Check all connections
Replace the defective device.
Reset circuit breaker
Check the cable connections and tigh-
ten them.
Output indicator is switched off
and the overload indicator is swit-
ched on.
Check the AC load. Switch off the mo-
tor and restart. Check the cooling air in-
take. Switch off motor and restart