08 9351 7500
The KRATOS 320 is a compact ergonomic designed medium sized heavy duty mobile patient lifting hoist
with a safe working load of 320kg.
This lifter is ideally suited for institutional use or as a compact heavy duty home care hoist for the bariatric
The KRATOS 320 whilst being compact provides superior patient space. The KRATOS 320 in fact offers
more patient space than most other larger size lifters. The swivel feature of the detachable yoke allows a
patient to be rotated through 360° at full lift height , thus making the carers job easier and safer.
The KRATOS 320 lifting range allows patients to be lifted from the fl oor, bed or chair with ease and
The KRATOS 320 is a powered unit using trusted industry leading LINAK components, giving a safe
working load (SWL) of 320kg
Options available with the KRATOS 320
Standard spreader bar
Weighing device
The ALLEGRO CONCEPTS range of patient lifting equipment, including lifters, slings and accessories,
has been designed and tested to comply with AS ISO 10535 – 2011, (Hoists for the transfer of disabled
persons – Requirements and test methods)