This is much the same as the function of “keyboard” in “Control Panel” of PC. The function is
mainly used to adjust the repeat input of soft keyboard and the setting of repeat delay time.
The “Enable character repeat” in the interface is the choice box of “Enable character repeat”;
“Repeat delay” is for setting repeat delay, the right is for long and left for short. “Repeat rate” is
for setting repeat rate. The white zone at the bottom is a zone to test the two settings by clicking
the zone and pressing some key.
Double click “Mouse” icon in “Control Panel” and the following interface will appear.
Double clicks the grid icon above to set the mouse double-click speed. Double clicks the icon
below to test the mouse double-click setting.
Network and Dial-up Connections
Double click “Network and Dial-up Connections” icon in “Control Panel” and the following
interface will appear.