Operation Instructions FG 10x25
Fig. 1
uMAREX Sportwaffen gmbH + Co. Kg
Item No:
5.9006 04/08
Donnerfeld 2
D - 59757 Arnsberg, Germany
Phone: +49 29 32 / 638 - 01 ∙ Fax: +49 29 32 / 638 - 222
[email protected] ∙ [email protected]
Eyepiece lens
Focusing wheel
inStRuCtion FoR binoCulARS
HoW to AdJuSt diStAnCE bEtWEEn YouR EYES
The distance between the eyes, called ”interpupillary distance”, varies
from person to person. To achieve perfect alignment of lens to eyes,
follow these simple steps:
1. Hold your binoculars in the normal viewing position.
2. Grasp each barrel firmly. Move the barrels closer together or further
apart until you see a single circular field of view. Always reset your
binoculars to this position.
dioptER SEtting And CEntRAl FoCuSing
1. Set right eyepiece (1) to zero and sight a distant object.
2. Cover right front lens with your hand, then rotate central focusing
wheel (2) until the image in the left eyepiece is sharp. Keep both eyes
open while making this adjustment.
3. Cover left objective (front) lens with your hand then rotate the right
eyepiece until the image is sharp again.
4. Image should now be focused to your eye-strength. Note diopter
setting for future reference.
inStRuCtionS FoR CARE
1. Always store your binoculars in its case when not in use.
2. When wiping the lenses, use a soft lintless cloth.
3. To remove any remaining dirt or smudges, add one or two drops of
Isopropyl alcohol to the cloth.
4. Store your binoculars in a moisture-free area.
VERY iMpoRtAnt
Never attempt to clean your binoculars internally or try to take it
Looking into the sun may cause permanent eye damage. Do not
look into the sun with this binoculars or even with the naked eye!
5.9006_FG10x25_Commando_Manual.indd 2
21.05.2008 16:26:05 Uhr