13. Connecting the Feed & Return
Lines to the Filtration System.
- Cont.
Fig. 13.1 on page 22 shows how a typical Heliocol solar pool heating system is plumbed into existing pool plumbing.
This drawing may not be just like every system you encounter; the feed and return plumbing on a solar system may be
reversed, or it may be a different type of filter, or it may have additional equipment such as a chlorinator, pool cleaner,
gas heater, etc. It may also have a long run of plumbing from the pool equipment to the solar collectors.
Whether the system is like this or not, Fig. 13.1 will help you understand the flow of water from the pool, through the
pump, filter, solar system, and back to the pool. Study the diagram and become familiar with the valves needed to
connect the solar collectors to existing plumbing.
Notice that the first check valve is plumbed in after the filter. This prevents the filter from being backwashed by the
water draining down from the panels when the pump shuts off. The 3-way valve either diverts the water to the solar
system or directly back to the pool. This 3-way valve should be a non-positive seal valve. This enables the water in the
solar system to drain back to the pool when the pump shuts off. The 2-way valves on the solar feed and return lines allow
you to isolate (completely shut off ) the solar system.
Study the plumbing after the filter and decide where you are going to install the check valve and the PVC tee fitting
(see Fig. 13.1). If you have auxiliary equipment, you may need to re-plumb a portion of your existing plumbing so this
equipment is located after the solar system as indicated in Fig. 13.1.
Cut the pipe after the filter where you have decided to locate the check valve and where your solar return pipe will
attach to your existing pool return line. If your pool plumbing is 1-½”, and you are running 2” plumbing to your solar
system, you should be using 2” valves and piping for all of your new plumbing. Therefore you will need (2) 2”x1-½”
reducer bushings to adapt your new 2” fittings to the existing 1-½” pipe.
As discussed earlier in this manual, it is a good idea to assemble all pipe and fittings before cementing them just in
case you make an error. Install a check valve on the pipe coming out of the filter. Be sure that the arrow showing flow
direction is pointed away from the filter.
The 3-way valve will be installed next. It may come right next to the check valve, or you may have to use some pipe
and fittings to locate it off the main line. As stated earlier, use as few 90-degree elbows as possible.
Install the 2-way valve to the solar feed line and then connect the other side of the 2-way valve to one of the ports
on the 3-way valve.
Install the (2-1410-023) vacuum breaker about 4’ up the feed line and above the top of the filter using a PVC tee
and reducer bushing. Face the tee to the outside as shown in Fig. 13.1. Wrap the threads of the vacuum breaker with
Teflon tape and screw it into the 3/4” threaded reducer bushing.
Install the second 2-way valve to the solar return line.
Determine now where to locate the PVC tee fitting. The tee may be located right next to the 3-way valve or elsewhere
depending on your system. Connect the tee fitting first to the solar return line, then to the 3-way valve, and finally
to the pool return line.
2014 UMA Solar