UltraGlow G33R-1 Zero Clearance Rear Vent Direct Vent Gas Fireplace
This heater does not require a 120V A.C. sup-
ply for operation. In case of a power failure,
the burner switch and the optional remote
control/thermostat will continue to operate.
However, a 120V A.C. power supply is needed
for the fan/blower operation. A terminal block
is provided on the left hand side of the unit. A
three wire power cord can also be used and
plugged into a suitable receptacle.
(Do not cut the ground terminal off under
any circumstances.)
NOTE: Even if the fan is not purchased
with the unit, it is still a good idea to
hardwire the terminal block in case
the fan is installed at a later date.
However DO NOT leave this connection
live until the fan is installed.**
CAUTION: Label all wires prior
to disconnection when servic-
ing controls. Wiring errors can
cause improper and dangerous