Please do the device setup outdoors to make sure that the device can find satellites.
Remove the SIM card PIN query
Put the SIM card that you are going to use in the reindeer-GPS to a mobile phone and remove the
SIM card PIN query from the card. For more information, please refer to the user manual of your
mobile phone.
Check that the SIM card is working properly by making a test phone call, text message and try the
mobile data connection of the card.
Save the necessary phone numbers to the SIM card
Save the admin user phone number to the SIM card with the name K0 (letter K and number zero).
Save the number in the international format using the country code.
You can add other admins by adding additional phone numbers starting with K1, K2… up to K9. The
phone numbers must also be in the international format.
If the reindeer-GPS is used with a Swedish SIM card, save the Swedish server number on to the card.
The name for the contact is UCP (capital letters) and the phone number is +46730851088. You can
also add the server number by sending a text message UCP +46730851088 to the device from the
admin phone number (UCP with capital letters, one space and then the phone number).
Install the SIM card to the reindeer-GPS
Pull the SIM card cover out of the reindeer-GPS.
Push the SIM card in place on to the SIM holder (flat side of the card first and make sure that the
contacts of the card are facing the electronics of the device).
Push the SIM card cover back in place.
Send the APN or change to SMS mode
Reindeer-GPS that use at least the firmware version PGPS3 U4.0, send the location of the device using
mobile data. To be able to use your carrier’s mobile data network the APN (access point name) set on to
the device. If the device is set to use only text messages (SMS) the APN doesn’t need to be set to the
If the carrier APN is something else than what is listen on chapter 4.4.1, send the correct APN by
SMS from the admin phone number to the device by using the APN command (APN on capital
letters, space and then the APN. For example: APN internet). For some SIM cards the APN command
has to be sent to the device, even if the APN is listed on chapter 4.4.1. Sending the APN command
even though the APN is already been defined does not affect the device.
If you want to only use the SMS tracking, send the command SMS (all letters in capital) to the device
from the admin phone number.
When using the Ultracom Global SIM Powered by Telia -card, the APN must not be sent to the device
using the APN command. The device will automatically recognize the card and change the APN to the
correct one.
Pre-programmed access point names (APN)
The pre-programmed APN are: internet, internet.saunalahti, online.telia.se, service.telenor.se,
internet.tele2.se, internet.telenor.se, internet.netcom.no, in1SIM.com, send.ee