background image



When the vehicle starts in timer mode, this icon will appear in conjunction with the usual 
icons that indicate that the vehicle is running by the remote starter.

Note: When the vehicle starts in timer mode no sound should come from the remote 
and the back light should not turn on.


This icon will begin to flash when the remote starter button is first pressed. After the vehicle 
has started this icon will stay on solid. The wheels on the car will  begin to rotate.

SIREN ICON - Alarm Models Only

This icon indicates that the alarm has been triggered. The remote will start to beep and the 
siren icon will come on solid at the same time as the icon for the violated zone. The remote 
will stop beeping after one minute. Both icons will continue  to flash until the system is 


This icon will be visible on the LCD whenever the remote is within transmitting range of the 
vehicle. The icon will disappear when the remote leaves that transmitting range. 


These icons are located at the top of the LCD screen as scene above. These icons are used to   display the 
current operating status of the system. Some icons will always be visible and other will only be displayed 
when one of the systems features are in use. The following is a list and description of the status icons and 
when they will be present on the LCD screen


This feature is used to check the status of the alarm system or the remote starter.
1. To check the status press and release Button #4 on the remote transmitter. 
2. The remote will display the icons of the active features on the LCD screen.

Note: In status check mode the LCD will stay on for five seconds then shut off.





This icon will be displayed on the LCD screen when the trunk release output is activated by 
the remote transmitter. This icon will be displayed on the screen until the system is armed 
or if the status button is pressed


This icon is always present when the LCD screen active. This icon will indicate the current 
battery level for the remote transmitter. The black area of the icon will disappear as the 
battery level decreases.


This icon activates during remote starting.  The bar graph will count down in 2 minute 
increments, indicating how much time is left on the vehicles remote start sequence.  

Note: If  

run time is set to more than 15 minutes graph will remain full time until remaining 
runtime is less than 14 minutes.


This icon will be displayed on the LCD screen until the user program mode is accessed. 
While in user program mode the letter  “P” from the icon will disappear. The letter will re-
appear when user Program Mode is exited.   


When this icon is displayed in the left program column if confirms that  the Cold 
Temperature Mode or Timer Mode has been programmed ON.

SHOCK SENSOR ICON - Alarm Models Only

This icon indicates the status of the shock sensor delete feature. Shock sensor delete 
allows the user to deactivate the shock sensor. If the icon is present on the LCD screen 
the shock sensor is active. If the icon is not present on the LCD screen the shock sensor 
delete feature has been activated and the sensor will be deactivated until programmed 


This icon indicates the status of the remote starter.  When Key is ON, remote starter will 
not activate.  See diagnostics  

**This Icon is not used in Transmitter Program Mode.

HORN ICON(Chirp Delete) 

This icon indicates the status of the chirp delete feature. If the icon is on, the horn will 
work normally. If the icon is not displayed on the LCD the chirps delete feature is on and 
the horn will not chirp.

Note: Chirp delete disables the Lock and Unlock chirps Only.


This icon indicates the status of the Service Mode feature. If the question mark icon is 
present the system is in Service Mode (Valet Mode).

Note: While in service Mode, only the keyless entry features of the system will still  

NUMBER ICON(Dual Car Operation)

This icon indicates the status of the Dual Car Operation mode. When the icon is off the 
remote will operate car one. When the icon is on the remote will operate car two.
*This icon is not used in transmitter Program Mode.




User Program Mode allows the user to program system features from the remote transmitter. 
The following icons will be displayed on the LCD screen to determine the 
status of the feature.

To Enter User Program Mode 

1. Press and hold button #4 for three seconds. The remote will respond with two beeps.
2. The system is now in User Program Mode. The telephone icon will begin to flash.
3. Press button #1 to scroll the list of features. Selected feature icon will begin to flash.
    Press button #2 to turn the feature icon Off.
    Press button #3 to turn the feature icon On.
4. Press button 4 to exit program mode and save settings.

Note: If the remote is not used for 20 seconds the system will exit Program Mode.

Owner’s Guide

Owner’s Guide
