Ultimate Jets
B300F User manual rev5.
1st June 2014
1.3. Before starting the engine
Tank system, pump, shut-off kerosene valves and turbine must
be checked for correct alignments.
Loose parts in the intake area must be fixed in a way they can
never be sucked in. Loose parts or dirt can damage or destroy
the turbine. recommend the use of a FOD screen.
Have a fire extinguisher (CO2) within reach!
The kerosene system must not be leaking.
Use only kerosene or Diesel with a 5% ratio of oil (fully
syntethic 2-stroke mix oil or turbine oil).
Take off must be against the wind.
Hold the turbine with the nozzle facing downwards right before
starting so that any excess of fuel can run off to avoid a hot
start of the engine.
1.4. During operations
Always stay in front of the turbine (intake facing), never
to the
or in the
exhaust area
of the turbine.
Also make sure that no other persons or animals are present in
the mentioned dangerous areas.
Keep your hands and every kind of object out of the area within
20 cm of the compressor (intake). The enormous suction can
grasp everything within reach and cause severe injury or
Never look into the jet exhaust. Severe burns could result.