Installation Manual
UL390i UL390i
MI 390A01 Revision No: 3
It is recommended to measure all cylinder heads as temperatures can fluctuate
according to the airflow over the cooling fins. Checking the individual temperatures
can also give an indication of arising problems so precautionary measures can be
Although one cannot do much (apart from changing the throttle) on the ULPower engine to
influence the EGT, monitoring all EGTs will provide the pilot with an immediate indication that
things might not be normal. If one EGT reading becomes substantially higher or lower, this is an
indication that something is wrong. A higher than normal EGT could mean less fuel (leaner and
hotter mixture) is being supplied - which could be caused by a partially blocked fuel injector.
Perhaps there is a leak in the induction manifold and extra air is being drawn into this cylinder
making its mixture leaner and hotter. Lower than normal EGTs are indicative of richer than normal
fuel mixtures. This could be caused by a fuel injector which does not close completely in between
cycles, or a blockage in the inlet manifold causing less air to be drawn into the cylinder.
Measuring one EGT can only tell you that that specific cylinder is running properly or not. It might
be wrong to conclude that what you measure is representative for all cylinders.
No holes are predrilled in the exhaust so you are free to choose the type you prefer (probes with
clamps or thread), however we recommend to use the ULPower EGT probes. See accessories/kits.
Usually temperatures are measured roughly 7cm ( 3in ) from the beginning of the exhaust piping.
Manifold Pressure
A MAP sensor can optionally be installed to give you an indication of how much power you are
actually using. The power produced is a function of the MAP and engine rpm. A suitable flexible
hose connected to a MAP sensor can be attached to the manifold with a double banjo to the inlet
collector, (option) instead of the single one supplied for the fuel pressure regulator.
Battery Voltage
Battery voltage will indicate if the alternator is working properly. If it is charging, the voltage
should be above 14V. If you are consuming more that what the alternator can deliver or in the rare
event the alternator or regulator/rectifier has failed, the battery voltage will drop. If voltage goes
below 12V be warned and land as soon as possible. Engine will stop once battery voltage goes below
Electrical Current
An amp meter can also be installed to precisely measure the amount of electrical current the
alternator is delivering.