Measurements not quoted in the homologation
sheet may not be altered in any form whatsoever. If
details cannot be verified with the aid of the pictures
in the homologation sheet, then the part in question
must be compared physically to a similar, but stock
part for the relevant engine
For the Tohatsu D2engine exhaust port only: There is
a casting mark on the inside of the engine exhaust
port that does vary in size from engine to engine.
This casting mark can be reduced no less than
0.5mm this will be considered to be a breach of the
technical rules and can be disqualified.
As per Stock Class
Measurements not quoted in the
homologation sheet may be
Altering parts:
Only parts where the dimension is quoted in the
homologation specification may be altered for the
purpose of reaching that specific measurement. The
shape of the parts cannot change e.g. The shape of
the cylinder head squish pan} The Block height
measured from the centre line to the top of the
block is allowed, all measurements according to UIM
homologation papers
As per Stock Class
Parts may be changed by another
Kill Switch:
It is not allowed to exchange kill switches from one
manufacturer to another. The toggle type switch
that can be activated without the insertion of the
“curly cord” is forbidden. Refer to rule 562.6
As per Stock Class
It is allowed to exchange kill
switches from one manufacturer
to another. However, the toggle
type switch that can be activated
without the insertion of the
“curly cord” is forbidden
Exhaust trunk
No modifications
As per Stock Class
Holes may be drilled or cut into
the exhaust trunk but no external
appendages may be added
Gear Box
See rule: 562.08
See rule:562.08
Bullet or racing gearboxes are
allowed in this class only.
No protrusions other than standard are allowed.
As per Stock Class
As per Stock Class
Exhaust box
No protruding expansion exhaust box
As per Stock Class
As per Stock Class
External water
Not allowed
As per Stock Class
Are allowed
563.34 - FUEL
Stock and Pro Stock Class:
Fuel must be a commercially available grade of automobile unleaded fuel to a maximum of 99 octane, freely available from any
normal petrol station. To maximise the equality of competition and to simplify the checking of conformity, the organisers must arrange the supply of the same
fuel for all competitors at all UIM titled events. It does not necessarily have to be free of charge.
Modified Class:
Only fuel to a maximum of 102 octanes is allowed. This includes Avgas.
Banned Fuel: Special racing fuels, methanol, nitro-methane and the likes thereof are expressly forbidden. The use of additives aimed at increasing the power of
the engine is prohibited to either the fuel or the air intake. The use of nitrous oxide injection is also totally prohibited.
The Pilot/Co-Pilot may not withhold the type of fuel/oil used if requested by race officials.
563.36 - OIL
A sample sealed container of the oil used, will be supplied by the competitor with unbroken seal, and then held by th e organisers for the duration of the event in
the event of fuel tests. It is a recommendation that Bio-degradable oil should be used to assist in the reduction of the environmental impact of the sport. No
power enhancing oil is allowed.
563.37 - FUEL TANKS
Only the original fuel tanks as supplied with the engine, collapsible fuel cells or approved marine manufacturers tanks are a llowed.
563.38 - FUEL MIX
No Pilot / Co-Pilot may withhold the type of fuel/oil used and the mixing ratio if requested by officials.
Where a dimension is quoted on a piston, metal may be
removed to reach a specific weight, provided the
dimensions are maintained. Should there still be an
excess of weight, this may be removed from the inside of
the piston i.e. the inside of the skirt or the area where
the gudgeoned pin goes through
As per Stock Class