Racing buoys
If a competitor misses or rides over a buoy and
crosses the racing line on the inside of the course, he
will be disqualified from that heat at the O.O.D’s
As per Surf.
Deviation of the set course
markers will result in
Hitting a Buoy
If a competitor hits a buoy they will receive a 3 point
penalty that shall be deducted from that heat, or
when double points are being awarded a 6 point
penalty will occur per incident.
As per Surf.
Not applicable
Missing Buoys
/ deviation
from the
If a Pilot misses a buoy, he can re-take it if he has not
crossed the racing line on the inside of the course.
The boat does not have the right of way when re-
entering the race course.
As per Surf.
Deviation of the set course
markers will result in
If a competitor destroys or damages a buoy he will
be disqualified from that heat and any restart of that
heat. The competitor must pay the organiser the cost
of a replacement which sum must be in the advance
programme. If not in the advance programme, then
the competitor can refuse to pay without penalty.
As per Surf.
As per Surf.
Deliberate bumping of buoys or of another
competitor is strictly forbidden and will result in the
disqualification from that heat or re-start/re-run and
maybe disqualified from the whole discipline if seen
by the O.O.D as reckless and dangerous driving.
As per Surf.
As per Surf.
If one boat lands on another, the offending boat or
boats will be disqualified from that heat/race.
As per Surf.
As per Surf.
Close Driving
Zigzagging or
A boat that follows dangerously close directly behind
(tailing gaiting) or snaking in front of a boat is not
allowed to another boat and may receive a yellow
card or on repetition during the discipline, may be
disqualified from that discipline.
As per Surf.
As per Surf.
T Bone
If any boat collides mid-ship with another (T-Bone)
the offending boat will result in immediate
disqualification from that heat / race.
As per Surf.
As per Surf.
Shore Buoys
There should be a minimum of 10 meters between
the shore buoys and the shore with sufficient water
depth to race approximately 0.5m. This must also be
evaluated in the Event risk assessment.
As per Surf.
As per Surf.
Race distance
All heats including the final will be 9 laps for all
classes unless stated in the Advance Race
Instructions or at the OOD / Race Committees
discretion due to weather conditions. The option to
reduce to 6 laps and increase the heats can be
implemented but the final should always be 9 laps
As per Surf.
The option to reduce to 6 laps
and increase the amount of
heats can be implemented but
the equalizer must then be
reduced to one lap per heat
and the final should always be
9 laps with two equalizing laps.
Rule 564B.1 Long-haul
Race Finish /
After finishing a heat all boats must proceed around
the next buoy beyond the finish buoy/line and wait
for the Red flag in order to proceed back to the shore
or as explained in Drivers Briefing by the O.O.D.
Boats failing to do this can be disqualified from that
heat. Any boat failing to complete 2/3 of the race
(completed laps “rounded up”) when the winner
crosses the finish line will not score in that heat.
Boats running out of fuel before the finish line will
not score in that heat and may invoke further
As per Surf.
A boat must cross the finish line
on the water, under its own
power, or by paddle power, to
receive an elapsed time for the
leg. Boats not completing the
leg/race will receive the last
boats time, plus a penalty of
10(ten) minutes. The cut-off time
for the last competitor to cross
the line is 1.5 x the first boat’s
time in that specific class or as
per Drivers Briefing. All safety
procedures will be kept in place
until all boats are accounted for.
Minimum &
Maximum of
There will be minimum 3 and maximum 12 boats to
make a race. In the event of the entry exceeding 12
boats, then eliminating heats will be run as follows:
All boats must be divided up into equal groups and
each group will contest a minimum of three
qualifying heats with normal points awarded,
dependent on entries this may result in quarter and
As per Surf.
There is no maximum; but the
evaluation for safety must be in
the event risk assessment.