Rotation settings:
You can set the device to 0°, 90°, 180° or 270°. Rotate the device to the
corresponding direction after setting rotation.
Other functions:
Disable shortcut keys: Disable all shortcut keys.
Disable pen pressure: You will not feel the pressure of the stylus during use.
Disable message: Disable message is shown at the bottom of the screen while using
the device and shortcut keys.
Disable tilt: Disable the stylus's tilt effect.
Import config:
You can import configured shortcut keys and other functions.
Export config:
Export saved settings in a configuration file. A pop-up window will appear to notify
you when the configuration file is exported successfully.
Diagnostic tool:
If you encounter any problems while using the driver, please use the diagnostic tool
to check hardware/environmental data for troubleshooting. Should you approach our
customer/technical support, this data will also be helpful to our staff helping you.