Once cut, the copper track ends must be prepared to accept the MetroLED fittings. Clamp the
cut extrusion using the UFO extrusion tool as shown below (use protective material underneath
the extrusion to avoid scratching the paintwork)
Once clamped, carefully file the ends of the copper track to an approximate 30
angle. This
angle allows the MetroLED push fit devices, electrical spring contacts to be pushed onto the
track without damage, see images below.
Failure to file the copper track ends to 30
WILL result in damage to the electrical
spring contacts of MetroLED push fit devices.
Before cutting plastic infill refer to the UFO Constructors video guide parts 3 (Cutting Infill)
To cut plastic infill, first measure the required length and mark on the extrusion side
using pencil.
Clamp the extrusion in the chop saw vice open section downwards (use protective pads on the
vice jaws to avoid scratching the surface) – do not over tighten the jaws as this may damage or
distort the plastic.
Ensuring the free end of the infill to be cut is clamped or secured, switch on the saw and cut
through the infill slowly.