CoolPoint is an inline flowmeter that utilizes the vortex shedding principle. The fluid strikes a
bluff body, generating vortices (eddies) that move downstream. The vortices form alternately,
from one side to the other. A piezoelectric sensor housed in a sensor tube directly downstream of
the bluff senses the pressure zones created by the vortices. The sensor generates a frequency
directly proportional to the vortices (flow). The pulses are then amplified by the circuit board and
converted to an output, which is also linear with flow. Flow is displayed on the LEDs in either GPM,
LPM or CMH. Selection of the preferred units of measure is made by using the MENU pushbutton.
CoolPoint can be used on low viscosity, clean or dirty water-like liquids that are compatible with
brass, PVDF and Viton. Metered fluids should not include long fibers or a significant level of
abrasive solids. Should abrasive wear occur over time, bluffs as well as the sensors are
replaceable. Typical applications include cooling loops using water, 50% solutions of glycol, and
water-soluble machine coolant (up to 10%). These applications are found in most process
industries, including rubber, steel, fabrication, manufacturing, refining, paper, chemical, food,
petrochemical and power. They cannot be used on gases (including air), or on flammable liquids.
Note: If used outside the parameters specified in this manual, the proper operation of the
flowmeter cannot be guaranteed.
Cleaning: These meters do not require any special cleaning of the external surfaces. If cleaning is
deemed necessary, strong solvents, detergents, or chemicals should not be used. A damp cloth
may be used to wipe off dirt or debris.