for dIfferentIal Pressure Models, Mount agaInst a rIgId suPPort usIng
the MountIng bracket attached to the sensor asseMbly. then
connect the hIgh and low Pressure connectIons (hIgh Pressure
Port Is on the left, when facIng the unIt).
for asseMblIes wIth junctIon boxes, It Is recoMMended that the
Product be Mounted vertIcally wIth the Pressure connectIon
the Product May be Mounted In any PosItIon. however, If InstallatIon
locatIon results In frequent exPosure to lIquId It Is recoMMended
that the Product be Mounted vertIcally wIth the Pressure
connectIon down. If Product Is to be set after MountIng, verIfy that
adjustMent oPenIng Is accessIble, “front” MarkIng on naMePlate Must
face the oPerator.
note: due to product sensitivity on sensor type w, it is recommended that these models
be mounted vertically with pressure connection facing down. other types of mounting may
cause slight set-point shifts, which may require readjustment.
Panel Mounting via 1/2” NPTM or M20 Electrical Connection
when panel mounting, mount through 7/8” clearance hole in panel. use 1/2” or M20
conduit nut to secure in place. always support the product by holding a wrench on the hex.
to attach conduIt connectIon, hold electrIcal connectIon steady wIth
wrench on hex, then thread on conduIt.
Surface Mounting Bracket Kit (P/N 62169-13)
(see Fig. 6)
open the adjustment cover and orient the unit so that adjustment opening will be accessible
when the switch is mounted. close the adjustment cover ensuring that the bracket does
not interfere with the cover as this serves as the dual seal device method of primary seal
failure annunciation and venting. failure to install the unit correctly with the mounting
bracket may result in improper venting of the adjustment cover.
dIsconnect all suPPly cIrcuIts before wIrIng Product. wIre In accordance
wIth local and natIonal electrIcal codes. the wIres should be
Protected agaInst MechanIcal daMage by use of a conduIt or
other suItable Means.
electrIcal ratIngs stated In the lIterature and PrInted onto the
Product housIng Must not be exceeded. overload on a swItch can
cause faIlure on the fIrst cycle.
dIn connector (oPtIon M515, fIgure 4) Is not aPProved for class I,
dIv. 1 hazardous locatIons/flaMeProof atMosPheres.
for atex InstallatIon, an external groundIng screw (oPtIon M460)
Is requIred for non-MetallIc conduIt systeMs. (see fIgure 2)
for atex InstallatIon In hazardous locatIons, the wIrIng to the
Pressure swItch Must only be connected In the safe area or by an
aPProved terMInal box certIfIed to en standards 60079-0:2012,
60079-1:2007, 60079-31:2009, 60079-7:2007, Iec 60079-0:ed.6, Iec
60079-1:ed.6, Iec 60079-31:ed.1, Iec 60079-7:ed.4
1/2" nPt (male) or M20 (male) conduit connection is provided on top of the prod-
uct with 72” long, 18 awg leadwires. the product is available with sPdt or dPdt
operation. external grounding screw and clamp is provided with option M460 for atex
installation with non-metallic conduit systems (see figure 2).
factory sealed leadwires are color coded:
Circuit 1 Circuit 2
brown brown yellow
normally closed
normally open
green green
DIN Connector with 4 Male Terminals (see Figure 4)
connector conforms to dIn 43650. use a female mating dIn connector (not ue sup-
terminal #1
terminal #2
normally closed
terminal #3
normally open
Part II - Adjustments
Tools Needed
flathead screwdriver with 3/16” or 1/4” wide blade
1. connect control to pressure source.
2. with power disconnected, slide cover toward electrical terminations while twisting
it to overcome friction.
3. connect power to terminals or leads.
4. Insert screwdriver into adjustment slot and turn clockwise to
setting or counter clockwise to
setting. (see figure 3)
for setting on rIse, apply desired pressure and turn adjustment clockwise until switch
actuates (circuit across n.o. and coM terminals closes).
for setting on fall, apply pressure equal to normal system operating pressure.
reduce source pressure to setpoint value. turn adjustment counter clockwise until
switch actuates (circuit across n.c. and coM terminals closes).
Zone Hazardous Locations Flameproof
gap and Joint Details
electrical conduit fitting threaded connection: M20 x 1.5, 7 threads minimum engage-
Figure 2
option M460 External
grounding Screw