ZED-F9P - Integration Manual
UBX-18010802 - R01
1 Overview
Page 22 of 64
Objective Specification - Confidential
1.10.1 Base configuration
To configure the module for base operation the following procedure needs to be carried out:
• Set the UART1 interface for the correct Host baud rate and ensure RTCM3 output protocol
has been enabled using the UBX-CFG-PRT message. Please see
• Enable the minimum list of required RTCM3 output message on the UART1 interface using
the UBX-CFG-MSG message. Please see
• Set the unit into base mode by enabling Survey In or Fixed Mode by using the UBX-CFG-
TMODE3 message. Please see
• The unit will then output all the messages once it has completed Survey In or once Fixed
Mode has been enabled with the required base antenna co-ordinates. If using the Survey In
mode, sensible settings must be selected based on the environment and achievable accuracy
in the base location. The base will not typically achieve less than a real 1 m accuracy in good
conditions, in obstructed multi-path conditions this figure could be higher and the Survey In
time to achieve even the lower accuracy can take longer than expected. The base antenna
might need to be moved to a better location or the required accuracy and/or Survey In time
might need to be extended. Please verify with the Survey In status using UBX-NAV-SVIN
message. Please see
to verify all RTCM3 messages are being output. RTCM3 MSG
1005 will
be output once Survey In is completed or the Fixed co-ordinates are entered for
the base antenna.
If the base is moved, then Survey In must be repeated or the base must be set again
into Fixed Mode using the new coordinates.
In the example figure below the base is set with a UART baud rate 230400 baud and only RTCM3
protocol output is enabled on UART1.
Figure 19: Base u-center UART1 UBX-CFG-PRT view