UBX-21004616 - R02
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C1 - Public
Press the reset button to reset the application board or reset it with
newtmgr --conntype=serial --connstring="COMXX,baud=115200" reset
As there is no software to boot during the initial startup, the NINA-B411 module automatically
enters the software download mode For future updates of NINA-B41 u-connectLocate software
the bootloader must be manually set in software upload mode by pressing the SW2 button while
resetting the board.
Configuring the board
When connecting to the USB port on the C211, a serial port (COM port on Windows) is available on
the host. Connect the COM port to a terminal emulator or use the s-center tool [7] to initially configure
the port settings:
115200 kbps
8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1)
Flow control enabled using RTS/CTS
Having configured the COM port, configure the C211 using AT commands. The appropriate AT
commands for configuring direction finding through the C211 anchor nodes are described in
Appendix A.
Although s-center does not support specific direction-finding AT commands using buttons, it is
possible to configure the COM port as a terminal for use with AT commands.
Due to the large amount of data received over the UART it may be advisable to increase the baud rate
over the UART interface. In the following command example the baud rate is set to 1 Mbps using the
For further information command
, see also the u-connectXpress AT command manual [5].
C209 tags
C209 tags are based on the open CPU NINA-B406 module variant. The tags run on custom tag
software that advertises as an Eddystone beacon with a Constant Tone Extension added to the
advertising packets. This CTE is used by the u-connectLocate direction finding software that runs on
the C211 application board to calculate the Angle of Arrival.
The namespace included in the transmitted Eddystone-UID beacon is
the instance id is based on the MAC address of the NINA-B406 found on the module QR code label.
See also
C209 tags are powered by a single CR2032 battery (not included) or through the USB connector.
C209 tags includes a versatile sensor node that comprises several sensors for use in a multitude of
different applications. The on-board sensors include:
LIS2DW12 accelerometer
APDS-9306 ambient light sensor
BME280 humidity, pressure, and temperature sensor