NINA-B31 series - Getting Started
UBX-18022394 - R02
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Command mode, data mode, and extended data mode
By default, NINA-B31 enters command mode and has to be reconfigured to start up in data mode or
extended data mode. From the data mode or extended data mode, it is possible to enter the command
mode by transmitting escape sequence to the module. By default, the escape sequence is:
Silence 1 second
Silence 1 second
The +++ must be sent within 200 ms, which means that it is difficult or impossible to enter the
escape sequence manually using a terminal window though the characters can also be typically
pasted instead. The module leaves the command mode and enters data mode using the
command. It is also possible to toggle the UART DTR pin from High to Low to enter the
command mode.
Figure 3: Operational modes
In data mode, the data transmitted on the UART to the module is transmitted (and broadcast for all
connections) over the air to all wireless connections. Data received from the wireless connections may
be interleaved upon reception and it may be difficult or impossible to figure out from which remote
device the data is received. This "multipoint strategy" is known as Wireless Multidrop. It is suitable
mainly for master/slave polled protocols such as Modbus and point-to-point communication.