C101-D9C - User guide
UBX-21009111 - R02
C101-D9C standalone operation
Page 7 of 17
C101-D9C standalone operation
This section provides some quicksteps to enable NEO-D9C standalone operation and connecting via
u-center (see u-center user guide [3]).
Connect the supplied L6 band antenna to the RF SMA connector.
Connect the USB to a Windows PC, this will power the board. The FTDI and USB drivers will be
installed automatically from Windows Update when you connect the board for the first time.
The power LED will turn on in blue color.
Start the Device Manager utility from Windows. Two new ports will be visible under the Ports tab:
the USB Serial Device is the Native USB port and the USB Serial Port is the FTDI USB bridge port,
as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 4: Windows Device Manager Ports identifications
Figure 5: FTDI USB bridge and USB ports properties
Start u-center and connect to one of the COM ports. If you are using the FTDI USB bridge, make
sure the baud rate in u-center is set to 9600.
Poll UBX-MON-VER message and check the content as shown in Figure 6 .
Figure 6: UBX-MON-VER message