AF-24 Qu ck Start Gu de
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 unt l you ach eve a symmetr c l nk, w th the rece ved s gnal
levels w th n 1 dB of each other. Th s ensures the best poss ble data rate between the
a rF ber rad os.
4. Lock the al gnment on both a rF ber rad os by t ghten ng all e ght Lock Bolts on the
Al gnment Bracket.
5. Observe the LED D splay of each a rF ber AF-24 to ensure that the value rema ns
constant wh le t ghten ng the Lock Bolts. If the LED value changes dur ng the
lock ng process, loosen the Lock Bolts, f nal ze the al gnment of each a rF ber AF-24
aga n, and ret ghten the Lock Bolts.
6. For each a rF ber AF-24, attach the Port Cover and turn the Cover Lock to the Locked
There are three methods for determ n ng the rece ved s gnal level:
LED D splay (descr bed above)
a rF ber Conf gurat on Interface
Aud o tone (opt onal equ pment requ red)
Refer to the a rF ber AF-24 User Gu de for nstruct ons on the a rF ber Conf gurat on
Interface and aud o tone methods. The User Gu de s ava lable at:
Installer Compl ance Respons b l ty
Dev ces must be profess onally nstalled and t s the profess onal nstaller's
respons b l ty to make sure the dev ce s operated w th n local country regulatory
requ rements.
AF-24 Qu ck Start Gu de