Foam Tac or (in a pinch) with a spot of foam safe CA and/or hot glue and yo
u’ll be flying (or tryin’) again
in no time!
The easiest way to do a pinwheel is as follows:
1. Get the plane into a hover.
2. Enable the tail rotor!
3. Blip the throttle to cause the plane to lurch up a bit.
4. Crank the rudder all the way to one side
drop throttle down all the way.
5. Once the nose is pointing upward again quickly bring the throttle back to the hover point.
Have fun!!
Epilogue would like to wish you all the best and we hope you enjoy flying your Super Honey Hawk as
much as we do. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions for future revisions...
PLEASE send them our way!! For now, please pop us an email to: