Ubee U10CO35 Cable Modem User Guide, v10_30_10
Ubee Interactive
Displays the current locked upstream modulation type
Symbol Rate (Ksym/sec)
Displays the current locked upstream symbol rate.
Mini-Slot Size
Displays the current locked upstream mini-slot.
Power Level (dBmV)
Displays the current locked upstream transmit power.
T1 Timeouts
Displays the number of timeouts waiting for a valid UCD
from the CMTS.
T2 Timeouts
Displays the number of timeouts waiting for a maintenance
broadcast from the CMTS.
T3 Timeouts
Displays the number of timeouts waiting for ranging request
from the CMTS during initial maintenance.
T4 Timeouts
Displays the number of timeouts waiting for periodic
maintenance request from the CMTS for unicast ranging
Click to re-display the current state of information in this
3.8 Upstream Burst
Use the following procedure to review detailed information regarding the cable modem’s upstream burst
1. Access the web interface. Refer to page 13 for instructions if required.
2. Click
Upstream Burst
from the left-side of the screen.
3. Instructions are provided below the following example.
Note: Other Upstream channels are not shown in this guide, but may appear in the web interface.
Modulation Type
Displays the current modulation type
(QPSK/16QAM/8QAM/32QAM/64QAM/128QAM) used for