Rev A
In efforts to minimize transponder transmission at airports, modern Mode-S
transponders do not reply to many legacy 1030Mhz interrogations while
“On Ground”. This creates a problem when avionics technicians attempt to
perform initial or biannual transponder tests according to 14 CFR 91.413.
uAvionix provides a software mechanism to override the air-ground state to
“Airborne-Subsonic” for the duration of the power cycle. This allows the
tailBeaconX to respond to all airborne interrogations from the avionics test
set while the tailBeaconX is in the hangar.
To enable the airborne override, ensure the tailBeaconX has it’s Wi-Fi
enabled by following the procedure in section 6.1. Then, from the
skyBeaconX smartphone app, connect to the “BeaconX-XXXX” Wi-Fi SSID.
Finally, swipe to the bottom of the Monitor page and
press the “ENABLE
GROUND TEST MODE” as shown below.