ECCN 7A994
10 | 10
written as an 8-digit octal number. The SkyEcho understands the
hexadecimal format, so you must first convert an octal number to
hexadecimal before entering. Sometimes this value is referred to as Mode
S code. It is critical that the correct address is used. Incorrect addresses
can disturb the service to other airspace users and may have regulatory
compliance consequences. In the UK to find the ICAO address of the
aircraft you will be flying go to
Refer to UK CAA guidance for using 24-bit addresses with EC devices at
the following URL:
6.4.4 Call Sign
This is a maximum 8 character code that corresponds to the tail number of
the aircraft. (0-9, A-Z). The value should be entered without dashes: G-
ABCD should be entered as GABCD.
6.4.5 Emitter Category
To assist ATC tracking of aircraft, an aircraft category is transmitted. Select
the aircraft category that most closely matches the aircraft.
Note EC devices are not approved for all emitter categories. EC devices
are intended for voluntary carriage on registered and non-registered UK
Annex II aircraft, non-complex EASA aircraft of <5700kg MTOM, Permit
aircraft, and for gliders and balloons (including those covered under ELA 1
and ELA 2) within uncontrolled UK airspace.
7 Contact uAvionix
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