ECCN 7A994
29 | 32
(COM2 RX - RS-232 57600bps, N81)
The Ping20S receives control messages over the Control interface. The
interface uses an ASCII-text basis, with an ASCII-encoded hexadecimal
checksum. The checksum is algebraic sum of the message byte values.
Messages are delimited with a carriage return character.
A1. Physical Interface.
The Control interface uses RS-232 signaling levels. The port is configured
for the following characteristics:
Baud Rate: 57600 baud
Start Bits: 1
Data Length: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: None
Flow Control: None
A2. Control Messages.
The following table summarizes the Control messages that the Ping20S
Msg ID
Call Sign
1 min interval or on change A2.1
Operating Mode Message
1 second interval (nominal) A2.2
VFR Code
1 min interval or on change A2.3