Pre-flight check
Make sure to also check the following points before every start:
- is the rescue release handle mounted correctly on the harness.
- is the rescue container closed correctly and secured.
Nature and environment friendly behaviour
We ask you to perform our sport in a manner, that impacts nature and environment with mini-
mum intensity. Please do not walk beside marked paths, don`t leave any waste, please be not
noisy and respect the sensitive biological equilibrium in the mountains. Especially at starting
areas maximum care for nature is necessary.
After expiration of the designated life of the rescue system a environmentally appropriate disposal
is to be secured. The synthetic materials that are used in a rescue system demand appropriate dis-
posal. Please return worn-out equipment to U-Turn GmbH - there they will be disassembled and
disposed of appropriately. Even if the rescue system was never activated, we recommend to replace
it after ten years of purchase date.
Final Words
The U-Turn SECURE 3 is at the pole in Rescue Systems research and develop-ment. We wish you
that you will never have to use your U-Turn SECURE 3. Remember to treat your canopy properly
and always fly with respect for conditions and your capabilities. Remember that all flying is poten-
tially dangerous and that you must take responsibility for your own safety. Fly conservatively with
respect to conditions and use ample altitude for manoeuvring. We also strongly recommend that
you use a certified harness with a back protection, a certified glider, a certified Rescue System and
a helmet.
We remind you that The operation is at your own risk and the pilot needs to make sure that the
aircraft is checked for its airworthiness before every flight.
Safety warnings at the U-Turn website are to be considered.
We wish you many enjoyable flights and great moments in the air,
without having to use your SECURE.
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