Assumption of Risk
Flying the U-Turn BLACKLIGHT is inherent with certain dangers of bodily harm or even
death of the user of this product or third party equipment. With the use of the BLACKLIGHT
you assume all known and unknown risks and accept probable and improbable risks to inju-
ry. Th
e dangers innate with the practice this kind of sport can be reduced by adhering to the
warning notes in the manual, as well as the required attention to detail on each fl ight. Th
e risks
inherent to the sport can be reduced to a large degree, if one adheres both to the maintenance
guidelines, which are listed in this operating manual, as well as using common sense.
Liability claim and renouncement of exclusion
With the completion of the sale of a U-Turn BLACKLIGHT you express your in consent with
the following points of legal specifi cations:
deriving from the use the U-Turn BLACKLIGHT and or either compenents thereof, now or in
the future, against the U-Turn GmbH and all other contracting parties, that could arise.
Releasing U-Turn GmbH and all other contracting parties of all liability claims concerning
loss, damage, injury or expenses to you, your next of kin, relatives or any other user of the
U-Turn BLACKLIGHT as a result could suff er. Th
is includes but is not limited to lawful or
contractual liability on behalf U-Turn GmbH and all other contracting parties as a result of
the of production and processing the U-Turn BLACKLIGHT and all its components. With
the occurrence of death or disability, all directives stated here come into force and bind their
benefi ciaries, next of kin, trustees, legal successors and/ or representatives. Th
e U-Turn GmbH
and all other contracting parties express no verbal or written representation and denial expres-
sively that this was done, with exception of what is speci% ed in and in the manual the U-Turn
Safety Advices and Liability
is glider complies with EAPR, AFNOR (SHV and ACPUL) regulations, for the tested type,
at time of delivery (see appendix). Th
e operation of the glider is at your own risk. Th
e manu-
facturer and the dealer don`t take any liability for accidents and follow on damages. Please
consider all safety notes, cautions and warnings for safe fl ying. Further, we assume that the
pilot has the necessary certifi cations and that the legal limitations are being followed. Use of
the equipment is at your own risk. Follow the safety instructions for a safe fl ight.
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