Deep Stall
e U-Turn BLACKLIGHT is not stall sensitive. If in a stall, caused by overpulling on the
brakes, the rear risers or a delayed B-stall exit, the release of the brakes or the rear risers,
recovers the stall. Should the stall be caused by an extreme fl ight condition or confi gurati-
on (i.e. takeoff weight to low), a symmetric forward push on the A-riser or step the speed
system recovers the stall.
Practicing stalls should be done with enough safe altitude. Never apply
asymmetric brakes during a stall, it could cause a spin. If the BLACKLIGHT in deep stall,
one should only brake release the brake the
glider is in front.
To initiate a full stall, pull both brakes without a wrap slowly to the point of stall. As soon
as the point of stall is reached, hold both hands up. Th
e glider falls back. At point, under
no circumstance should the hands let up or release the brakes. To recover from a full stalls
the canopy should be stabilized overhead and prefi lled. For this slightly let up both brakes
symmetrically. To exit completely, let up both brakes symmetrically and slowly in its enti-
rety. With a correct symmetrical exit the glider returns swift ly, as soon as the glider shoots
strongly forward, it must be checked by a brief brake input. An asymmetrical recovery is to
be avoided, this could lead to falling into the glider.
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