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PPN description
PPN technology provides unprecedented stability, superior take of behavior, and ideal fl ying qualities.
For several years, now synthetic rods have served as a replacement to the Mylar panels in the cell walls
of the wing at the leading edge. This reinforce the shape of the nose. U-Turn has taken this a step further
in teaming this technology up with AFS and work togehter in concert.
The synthetic rods in the seams of the leading edge sustain the shape of the nose, optimizing the airfl ow
along the profi le. Even under extreme fl ying conditions the small PPN rods keep the cells at the leading
edge open in a way Mylar would not be able to do. These characteristics give the glider an unmatched
stability. Internal pressure is maintained noticeably longer and the shape of the nose is held up. Even
if the internal pressure diminishes, the AFS kicks in by equalizing with the providing the necessary sail
tension. The complimentary interaction of these two systems provide this line of gliders with an unpar-
alleled collapse-resistance.
Unlike Mylar, if handled carefully PPN technology will retain the shape of the nose for the entire lifetime
of the glider. In order to provide the greatest possible protection when folding the glider, U-Turn recom-
mends the optional U-Turn Tubebag. This inner packsack enables you to fold and store the
ALPINE PEAK 2 with ease in accordion fold, even on windy days and/or by yourself. The Tubebag pre-
serves the excellent take-off and fl ight qualities of the glider, thus favorably infl uencing its resale value.
PPN technology also means that the canopy is lighter weight than with Mylar reinforcement. This re-
duced canopy weight made possible by the PPN technology increases the performance and improves
the handling of the glilder. The Tubebag itself is produced with the workmanship you would expect
from U-Turn and lives up to the highest demands in use. It features many functional details and ensures
that the ALPINE PEAK 2 preserves the launch and fl ight qualities for many years to come - an advantage
that can increase the resale value.The glider has become lighter ever since abandoning the use of Mylar
in the cell openings and replacing them with synthetic rods. Its handling advantages and increased
performance can be also attributed to PPN technology.
The U-Turn ALPINE PEAK 2 has become more than ever an uncomplicated wing with a broad margin of
leeway since all the aforementioned, new technology has been introduced. It is forgiving and good na-
tured in behavior. The ALPINE PEAK 2 is suitable for training and at the same time an agile glider which
dares to climb thermals. It suits fi rst class pilots who refuse to make compromises on passive security
during high performance fl ying. Of course the ALPINE PEAK 2 is fi tted with top shelf Liros lines.