U-Turn paragliders are in a class of their own. U-Turn doesn`t compromise on safety, and uses the best
quality components and hallmark fl ight characteristics. Congratulation on your purchase of a U-Turn
glider, as it is the brand for those who appreciate the diff erence.
The laws of physics are well defi ned. We aspire to achieve the possbile within the framework of its laws.
We admit this is ambitious but you will always fi nd U-Turn at the cutting edge of technology. As Oscar
Wilde once said in this very British understatement: “His taste is very basics; only always the best is good
enough.” The U-Turn team embodies this attitude; “We always want to deliver the best possible glider.”
Nothing more and most cost certainly nothing less.
U-Turn staff takes notice of its customer wishes, so we appreciate any comments or feedback!
Please feel free to contact your competence center or U-Turn directly for any advice or direction.
General Description ALPINE PEAK 2
The new light weight-gliding with the PPN system
The new ALPINE PEAK 2 of U-Turn represents a new ease: easy grounghandling, even easier to start and
best glide. Its predecessor set already milestones and now the follow up is proudly presenting latest U-
Turn technology.
In datail: The ALPINE PEAK 2 got the PPN-system (Precision-Profi le-Nose) of U-Turn. Instead of the heavy
nose mylar plastic reinforcement rods of newest generation are used. The wing weight is reduced sig-
nifi cant by this. The thin lines could be used again despite the increased performance, so that air resist-
ance in fl ight is minimal too. As a result there is an extraordinary glide ratio that is even better than the
already outstanding performance of the predecessor.
Thanks to the mainly used type 36 and 26 fabric the wing is already extreme light. Some extra weight
could be saved by the abdication of the nose mylar. Even the V-ribs (down to the line attachments) and
the V-tapes are made of type 27 fabric. The risers are made of 12 mm kevlar band. The Liros lines are the
optimal mix between air resistance and strength. ( more details in technical data)
The fl ying characteristic of the ALPINE PEAK 2 is still uncomplicated and very forgiving. The canopy
glides accelerated very well and climbs unbelievable. Here the interaction of PPN and AFS combined
with the safe and performing profi le is obvious. The ALPINE PEAK 2 stands thanks to its outclassing
technical U-Turn features more than ever for the safe fun in fl ight. The AFS of latest generation eff ects in
all cells and prevents most of the unpleasant side collapses in the beginning. The performance is com-
pared to the EMOTION 2 where the wing derivates from slightly better. The ALPINE PEAK 2 is a bit faster
a bit more direct and climbs slightly better thermalling- not surprising because of the reduced mass and
its eff ects.
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