9. Add defoamer to the recovery tank.
10. Your machine has two solution outputs. The solution output for the 1200 psi pump is a quick disconnect
located just below the fill hole on the holding tank, on the front face of the machine (the 500 psi outlet is a
quick disconnect on the end of a short length of hose, on the front of the base section of the machine).
Attach the solution spray hose from the reel to the 1200 psi solution quick disconnect. Attach the
vacuum hose on the reel to the hose barb on the front of the recovery tank. Pull the hoses out from
the reel. Attach the other ends of the hoses to the cleaning tool.
11. Turn on the vacuum (3) and turn on the dump pump (5), if you have set-up the dump hose. Begin
cleaning. NOTE: the dump pump will automatically turn on and turn off as the tank fills and then empties
(refer to drawings on next pages).
12. When the job is finished, turn off the water source (if you are using the auto-fill feature), and turn off the
pumps. Disconnect the vacuum hose from your cleaning tool, and vacuum any remaining solution from
the holding tank into the recovery tank.
13. Completely drain the recovery tank by pouring the dirty water out through the drain hose on the rear of
the machine. Disconnect the solution hose from the cleaning tool, and reel the hoses onto the hose
14. Unplug the power cords.
15. Clean the machine and the tool. Never store your machine outside, and keep it from getting too hot or
too cold.
1. Before each use, inspect the machine, hoses, and cleaning tools for cleanliness and completeness. Make
sure the recovery tank drain hose is closed, and the lid is tight on the recovery tank. Make sure the hoses
are in good condition and the spray nozzle(s) is tight.
2. If you choose to use the auto-dump, connect the dump hose to brass hose fitting on the back of the
machine, and place the open end of the hose in a drain. Make sure the drain hose, on the rear of the
recovery tank, is closed and the lid is tight on the recovery tank. If you choose not to use the auto-
dump feature, make sure the brass cap is screwed onto the hose connector on the back of the machine
and the dump pump switch is turned off. Refer to drawings on following pages.
3. If you choose to use the auto-fill feature, connect the fill hose to the auto-fill valve over the solution tank.
Place your gallon of chemical in the chemical basket, and put the weighted foot valve in the gallon.
Connect the other end of the hose to the water source. Turn on the water and allow the tank to fill with
solution -- a float in the tank will shut off the water flow once the tank is full. If you are not going to use
the auto-fill system, just fill the tank with clean water and a liquid cleaning chemical. Follow chemical
directions regarding dilution and mixing. CAUTION: Do not use harsh chemicals in your King Cobra 1200
Pro; they may damage seals in pumps and valves and could cause the pump to wear prematurely.
NOTE: using warm water in the tank may improve the efficiency of the heat exchanger when cleaning
with heat, but never use water with a temperature exceeding 130 °F / 54 °C.
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