Function Introduction
4.4 DoD Erase Comp
Besides DoD erase, this function will also execute compare function
to make sure the random bit was correctly written. This way of erase
i s t o e r a s e D O M o v e r e a c h s e c t o r t h re e t i m e s : t h e f i r s t t i m e
w i t h z e ros (0x00), second time with 0xFF and the third time with
random characters. There is one final pass to compare random
characters by reading. This function will damage the data in DOM, please
make sure you have backup all important data before using this function.
step1. 0x00
step2. 0xFF
step3. Random step4. Compare
※The erasing time of DoD Erase mode is three times longer than Full Erase mode,
and the time of DoD Erase Comp is four times longer than Full Erase mode.
5.1 Show DOM Info.
This function will show DOM's basic information such as DOM capacity and
model number.
Port No.
DOM Capacity
DOM mode No.