How to Copy HDDs
Copy HPA Area
Enter fundtion "6. Setup"-->"7. Advanced Setup"-->"6.Copy HPA Area"
This setting enables to setup whether to keep hidden area of the source during copy tasks. The
users can select one from the function "6.7.6 Copy HPA area". The factory default setting is
Enter function "6.7.6 Copy HPA Area" and select whether to copy HPA area or not.
No, Keep HPA: When copy from source to targets, do not copy source HPA area to targets.
➋ No,
Clear HPA: When copy from source to target and remove the target HPA setting during
➌ No,
Setting HPA: When copy from source to targets, do not copy source HPA area to targets
Setup targets HPA area the same size as the source.
Copy and Setting: When copy from source to targets, copy source HPA area to targets.
The settings of targets HPA will become the same as the source after duplication finished.