Caution The data saved in this HDD will be erased.
Step 3: Download Firmware
Connect the BIOS HDD to a PC. Download the latest firmware and save it to the
HDD. Unzip BIOS and save it to the root directory.
Step 4: Enter "Update BIOS"
Connect the BIOS HDD to the source port. Enter function "5.2.1 Update BIOS".
Update will take about a minute to complete.
The firmware update process may take longer than 5 minutes.
Please do not disrupt power or process during BIOS update. If
interrupted, the system will become useless. U-Reach will not be
held responsible for any damages.
5.3 System Info.
This function shows information about the duplicator including model name
and firmware version.
Confirm ?
[Update System]
1. Update BIOS
SAS/SATA Dup 1-1
Ver: 2.36.3