U-Line S-7344 Quick Start Manual Download Page 1

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0521 IS-7344


5 Gallon Steel Pail



1.  Determine that the pail/cover combination is the 

correct product code for the material being filled. 

2.  Place cover on pail with the eye of one of the lugs 

centered directly over the side seam of the pail.  

Ensure that it is evenly seated around the lip of the pail. 

3.  Lower the closing tool onto the cover as shown in 

Figure 1. Rotate the tool such that the eye of the lugs 

are positioned between the jaws of the closing tool.

(See Figure 1) 

4.  Closing Tools:

a.  For pneumatic closing tool: Depress both 

Humphrey Levers on top of manifold and hold 

down. When tool completes downward motion, 

release levers. 

NOTE: For a pneumatic crimper, 80-90 psi is 
recommended for air pressure.

b.  For manual closing tool: Push out and down on 

handles until both handles come to stop.   

5.  Refer to Figure 2 for proper pail crimping to ensure 

integrity of the close. If necessary, a second 

crimping operation should be done by positioning 

the tool onto the pail such that the jaws of the 

tool are centered directly over the closed lug and 

repeating step 4. 

6.  Remove the closing tool. Lugs should be crimped 

under the curl of the pail at least 90º from their 

starting position. (See Figure 2) 








Figure 2

Humphrey Levers

Eye Lug

Figure 1

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