ODIN-W2 series - System Integration Manual
UBX-14040040 - R03
Advance Information
System description
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The following UART signals are available:
Data lines (RXD as input, TXD as output)
Hardware flow control lines (CTS as input, RTS as output)
The UART can be used as both 4 wire UART with hardware flow control and as 2-wire UART with only TXD and
RXD. If using the UART in 2-wire mode CTS should be connected to GND on the ODIN-W2 module. The use of
flow control is configured with an AT command. See the
ODIN-W2 AT Commands Manual [1]
for more
The Link status pins (DTR as output, DSR as input) are available as System IO signals, this is described in chapter
1.6.3 System input and output signals.
It is recommended to use CMOS compatible signal levels.
The UART interface is also used for firmware upgrade. See the
ODIN-W2 AT Commands Manual [1]
for more
information about the firmware upgrade.
See the
ODIN-W2 series Data Sheet [2]
for characteristic information about the UART interface.
Default configuration
COM port
115200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, hardware flow control
Table 4: Default settings for the COM port
Ethernet (RMII+SMI)
The IO voltage of the ODIN-W2 is 1.8 V, which means that the RMII interface operates outside the RMII
specification v1.2. If the RMII has to be connected to a PHY circuit, then that circuit must support 1.8 V
operation. If a direct MAC to MAC connection is to be used, then a level shifter might be needed
depending on the selected host. The selected hardware setup must be verified on the application board to
guarantee operation.
The ODIN-W2 series module includes a full RMII either for Ethernet MAC to MAC communication or for MAC to
PHY communication using the included Station Management Interface (SMI). The RMII and SMI use 9 signals in
total. The interface requires an external 50 MHz clock source either from a compatible PHY chip or from an
external oscillator. The ODIN-W2 series module cannot provide this clock signal by itself.
SMI (MDC/MDIO management interface):
The two-wire SMI is used to configure PHY chip. It uses a clock line and a data line to setup the internal registers
on PHY chip.
MAC to MAC connection:
If you connect the ODIN-W2 series module using a direct MAC to MAC connection, the SMI interface can be left
unconnected. Depending on the routing of the RMII interface on the host PCB, termination resistors might also
be needed.
An external 50 MHz oscillator is needed while running a MAC to MAC connection.
MAC to PHY connection:
If you connect the ODIN-W2 series module to an external PHY circuit, both the RMII and SMI interfaces must be
connected. The default PHY address (0x0) must be configured on the PHY side. Follow the recommendations
from the selected PHY chip for implementation details.
Reserved pins (RSVD)
Do not connect reserved (RSVD) pin. The reserved pins can be allocated for future interfaces and functionality.
GND pins
Good connection of the module's GND pins with solid ground layer of the host application board is required for
correct RF performance. It significantly reduces EMC issues and provides a thermal heat sink for the module.