LISA-C2 series and FW75-C200 - System Integration Manual
UBX-13000620 - R21
Early Production Information
Features description
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Tree.xml that contains:
Routine Script
Server URL, Proxy of the OMA-DM server
Device Access information: MIP, NAI, SSD, PRL information
Device profile
Reg.conf that contains:
Routine tracker
Updated per every OMADM session, it continues from the previous stored state
Device configuration
Device configuration is the programming of parameters needed to access network voice and/or data services.
Device configuration data is provided by the Sprint Provisioning System. It is conveyed to the device via the
OMA-DM server. Device configuration parameters include:
NAM Parameters (MDN and MSID)
MIP Parameters (MIP Profile 1)
PRL programming
Sprint requires that devices be able to update a subscriber’s PRL as needed. This may be up to or exceeding 4
times per year. The OMA-DM Client will trigger a PRL commit following the successful completion of the
management session. No power cycle is performed here. Instead, the device performs a radio reset to load the
new PRL. The device will not have service for approximately 10 seconds after the PRL commit.
Firmware update
Sprint requires that OMA Clients support firmware updates using an alternative download (OMA-DL) where
retrieval of the update packages is completed using the “alternative” download mechanism. To satisfy this
requirement, the device may make two data calls during the FUMO session – one to check for the existence of
an update package and, if an update exists, a second data call to perform the download of the update package.
When the update package download completes the DM Client will send +UOMASTAT:2,1,0 before jumping to
the boot loader to install the update package. The device will not respond to AT commands while the update
package is being installed. The device will power cycle when the update package installation is complete.
After the firmware update (success or failure) the device will report its final state to the OMA-DM Server. After
completing a FUMO update, whether it was network-initiated or client-initiated, the device will perform another
client-initiated FUMO to check for additional updates. FUMO transactions may loop multiple times to ensure that
the device receives all available updates.