LISA-C2 series and FW75-C200 - System Integration Manual
UBX-13000620 - R21
Early Production Information
System description
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GPS supply enable:
is configured by the AT+UGPIOC command to enable or disable the supply of the u-blox GNSS
receiver connected to the cellular module.
provides the “GPS supply enable” function as:
Output / High, to switch on the u-blox GNSS receiver, if the parameter <mode> of AT+UGPS
command is set to 1
Output / Low, to switch off the u-blox GNSS receiver, if the parameter <mode> of AT+UGPS
command is set to 0 (default setting)
must be connected to the active-high enable pin (or the active-low shutdown pin) of the voltage
regulator that supplies the u-blox GNSS receiver on the application board.
GPS data ready:
Only the
pin provides the “GPS data ready” function, to sense when a u-blox GNSS receiver
connected to the cellular module is ready to send data via the DDC (I
C) interface, setting the parameter
<gpio_mode> of the AT+UGPIOC command to 4.
provides the “GPS data ready” function will be set as:
Input, to sense the line status, waking up the cellular module from idle-mode when the u-blox
GNSS receiver is ready to send data via the DDC (I2C) interface; this is possible if the parameter
<mode> of AT+UGPS command is set to 1 and the parameter <GPS_IO_configuration> of
AT+UGPRF command is set to 16
Tri-state with an internal active pull-down enabled, otherwise (default setting)
must be connected to the data ready output of the u-blox GNSS receiver (i.e. the pin TxD1 of the
u-blox GNSS receiver) on the application board.
SIM card detection:
The modem firmware automatically detects the SIM card presence. This is determined at the time the
modem powers on.
General purpose input:
All the GPIOs can be configured as input to sense high or low digital level through the AT+UGPIOR
command, setting the parameter <gpio_mode> of the AT+UGPIOC command to 1.
The “General purpose input” mode can be provided on more than one pin at a time: it is possible to
simultaneously set the same mode on another pin (also on all the GPIOs).
No GPIO pin is by default configured as “General purpose input”.
The pin configured to provide the “General purpose input” function is set as
Input, to sense high or low digital level by the AT+UGPIOR command.
The pin can be connected on the application board to an output pin of an application processor to sense the
digital signal level.