1.5 Safety instructions during specific operating phases
1.5.1 Normal operation
Avoid all working methods which may compromise safety.
Take steps to ensure that the machine is operated only in a safe and proper condition!
Check the machine for visible external damage and defects at least once per shift!
Immediately report any changes (including in operational performance) to the responsible
department/individual! If necessary, stop the machine immediately and secure it.
In case of a fault, stop machine immediately and make it secure. Immediately repair any
Before starting work, become familiar with the work environment at the location where the
machine is used. This includes obstacles in the work and traffic area, the load-bearing
capacity of the floor, required securing of the construction site from the public traffic area
and possibilities for help in case of accidents.
1.5.2 Special work in conjunction with use of the machine and maintenance and repairs during
operation; disposal
Observe all the setting, maintenance and inspection activities and timetables, including
instructions for replacing parts/secondary devices, as described in the operating manual!
Only technically qualified personnel should carry out these activities.
Brief operating personnel before beginning special operations and maintenance work!
Appoint supervisory personnel.
If the machine is completely shut down during maintenance and repair work, it must be
mechanically secured to prevent accidental activation.
Before cleaning the machine with water or steam jet (high-pressure cleaner) or other
cleaning agents, cover/seal all openings that, for reasons of safety and/or functioning,
water/steam/cleaning agents must not be allowed to enter. Particularly endangered are
electrical motors and switches.
After cleaning, the covers and tapes must be removed completely!
Always tighten loose screw connections during servicing and maintenance work!
Any safety devices removed during set-up, maintenance or repair must be reinstalled and
checked immediately upon completion of the maintenance and repair work!
Dispose of fuel and consumable materials and replacement parts in a safe and
environmentally friendly manner!