8000040 Rev 3
4. Double click
“reg_graph.bat” file and it should register the
graphic driver again. If successful, then the following
window will be displayed:
4.3 Upload
Click UPLOAD to open the Upload Page. This is where you can
set the software to upload the data to Weather Underground. First
you must create a free account for your weather station at
wunderground.com. Then you enter your Weather Underground
credentials in ID and PASSWORD. Be sure to check Auto Upload
to automatically upload real time data to Weather Underground.
Your weather station must be connected to your PC which must
be on and connected to the internet, the WeatherSmart software
must be running in order to upload data to Weather Underground.
If your PC is turned off and it cannot upload that realtime data,
that data won’t be uploaded. There is no way to upload past data
to weather underground using this software, only real time data.