Document: LT0273
MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
MXP Loop Filter Board
Issue 1.5
24 March 2006
Page 10-3
Note – if you are fitting the board to an MXP in a responder box, you may need to tip the
underside of the plastic standoffs inwards to get the board to fit into the MXP board
connector easily – it will help if you rotate each standoff so that its plastic latch is pointing
away from the edge of the board. Once the board is inserted you can straighten the
standoffs before tightening the screws on the MXP loop wiring terminals.
Be sure to check that the system is operating normally, and that the problem you started with
is solved.
Connect a terminal or laptop running a terminal emulator program to the MXP diagnostics
port using LM0041. Select baud 19200, no parity, 8 databits, 1 stop bit.
Enter the command RS. This will reset the error counters. Wait a few minutes. Enter TC. The
“Total reply fail count” count should be zero. Keep checking it periodically. It should not
increase by more than about 1 per hour. If there is a problem the count may increase every
few seconds. To try to correlate the errors/retries with other events you can keep typing TC
(or Control-R to repeat the last command) and see when the errors are occurring.
Alternatively to try to correlate the errors/retries with other external events you can enter the
command NC (Nosex comms log toggle) so that the Nosex comms log is enabled. Then you
will see activity on the screen in real time every time a device does not reply. (Note - one
device that should not be present is polled every 5 seconds, it should not reply and this lack
of reply is displayed on the screen). Be sure to type NC again so that the Nosex Comms log
is disabled before disconnecting the terminal.