MX4428 MXP Engineering /Technical Manual
Document: LT0273
MXP Diagnostic Terminal
Page 8-10
24 March 2006
Issue 1.5
On occasion, Tyco Safety Products Christchurch may provide a new version of the MXP
software. This software is stored in the Flash IC, U2. It can be updated in the field as
described below.
8.2.1 FILES
The following files will be supplied for a Flash software version update –
Flash contents in special format
Flash programming program to run in MXP
Flash programming program to run in PC (for DOS)
Flash programming program to run in PC (for WIN32)
All of these files should be in the same drive / directory, on a floppy disk or the hard disk.
1. The MXP must be powered up either from the responder loop or an external 24V power
2. Make a note of the current DIP switch settings on the MXP, then set all DIP switches
3. Connect the PC to the MXP programming port with an F4000 programming lead.
4. If the PC is running DOS or Windows 3.x run the program MXPPROG from a DOS
prompt in the directory with the files. If you are using a COM port other than COM1
include the name of the port on the command line e.g. “MXPPROG COM2”.
5. If the PC is running any 32 bit Windows variant (95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP etc) run the
program MXPPROG32. (You can do this by typing MXPPROG32 from a command
prompt in the directory with the files, or by double clicking MXPPROG32.EXE in
Windows Explorer or My Computer. If you are using a COM port other than COM1 you
will need to include the port name on the command line, the easiest way to do this is
from a command prompt.)
6. Insert the WRITE ENABLE link (LK1) on the MXP.
7. Press the RESET button on the MXP.
8. The programming procedure is now automatic. A typical screen log of this automatic
procedure is shown below –
MXP Terminal / Flash Programmer. Type ESC at any time to exit
To program flash with new version ...
Switch all MXP DIP switches OFF, insert FLASH WRITE ENABLE LINK and press reset
Don't type keys while program is running (except ESC to exit if needed)
To use as a terminal ...
Just type your commands, HE<Enter> for help
MXR Boot ROM V1.01. Address = 127, Switch 8 = 0
Valid application program in flash
BOOT : Waiting for load
Loaded OK
Running from Start address (8000)
MXR Flash Programmer V1.11.
1 : Erase Entire Flash (all unprotected blocks)
3 : Load MXR Binary File and Program into Flash