The Series EC-5, Extended Coverage
Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are ex-
tended coverage, decorative 3 mm
glass bulb type spray sprinklers de-
signed for use in hydraulically calcu-
lated sprinkler systems in light hazard,
commercial occupancies such as
churches, restaurant seating areas,
hotels, educational facilities, offices,
etc. With their coverage up to 16 feet
(4,9 m) wide by 24 feet (7,3 m) long
and maximum deflector to ceiling dis-
tance of 18 inches (450 mm), they are
designed for installation along a wall or
the side of a beam and just beneath a
smooth and level ceiling. Horizontal
sidewall sprinklers are commonly used
instead of pendent or upright sprin-
klers due to aesthetics or building con-
struction considerations, where piping
across the ceiling is not desirable.
The fast response thermal sensitivity
rating of the Series EC-5, 3 mm Bulb
Type Sprinklers provides a quick re-
sponse extended coverage (QREC)
rating for many of the coverage areas
detailed in Tables B and C.
The recessed version of the Series
EC-5 Extended Coverage Horizontal
Sidewall Sprinkler utilizes a two-piece
Style 50 Recessed Escutcheon. The
Style 50 provides up to 3/8 inch (9,5
mm) of total adjustment from the flush
sidewall position. The adjustment pro-
vided by the Recessed Escutcheon re-
duces the accuracy to which the fixed
pipe lengths to the sprinklers must be
Corrosion resistant coatings, where
applicable, are utilized to extend the
life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond
that which would otherwise be ob-
tained when exposed to corrosive at-
mospheres. Although corrosion resis-
tant coated sprinklers have passed the
standard corrosion tests of the appli-
cable approval agencies, the testing is
not representative of all possible cor-
rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it
is recommended that the end user be
consulted with respect to the suitability
of these coatings for any given corro-
sive environment. The effects of ambi-
ent temperature, concentration of
chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity,
should be considered, as a minimum,
along with the corrosive nature of the
chemical to which the sprinklers will be
The Series EC-5 Sprinklers described
herein must be installed and main-
tained in compliance with this docu-
ment, as well as with the applicable
standards of the National Fire Protec-
tion Association, in addition to the
standards of any other authorities hav-
ing jurisdiction.
Failure to do so may
impair the performance of these de-
The owner is responsible for maintain-
ing their fire protection system and de-
vices in proper operating condition.
The installing contractor or sprinkler
manufacturer should be contacted
with any questions.
TY3302 - EC HSW, 5.6K
TY3302 is a redesignation for C3302.
UL and C-UL Listed.
FM and NYC Approved.
(Refer to Table A for complete approval
information including corrosion resis-
tant status. The approvals apply to the
service conditions indicated in the De-
sign Criteria section.)
Maximum Working Pressure
175 psi (12,1 bar)
Series EC-5 — 5.6 K-factor
Extended Coverage Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers
Quick & Standard Response (Light Hazard)
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Technical Services:
Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500
Always refer to Technical Data
Sheet TFP700 for the “INSTALLER
WARNING” that provides cautions
with respect to handling and instal-
lation of sprinkler systems and com-
ponents. Improper handling and in-
stallation can permanently damage
a sprinkler system or its compo-
nents and cause the sprinkler to fail
to operate in a fire situation or cause
it to operate prematurely.