TXcom makes no guaranteed declaration or offer concerning the contents or use of
this manual, and notably refutes any express or implicit liability as regards the
merchandisable quality or suitability for a particular use of the product. In addition
TXcom reserves the right to update this publication and to make changes at any time
without notice.
TXcom refutes any liability concerning any modifications that might be made to the
commodities supplied.
You use this equipment at your own risks and perils. TXcom will not be held liable for
any direct or indirect losses or damage resulting from its use.
Moreover, TXcom reserves the right to modify its products, entirely or in part, at any
time without notice.
This hardware is guaranteed by TXcom for one year from the date of delivery. During
this period, any defective equipment item will be repaired or replaced without charge.
Copyright © 2005 TXcom. All rights reserved.
This manual is intended for the private use of the recipient, whether supplied on
paper or in electronic form. It may not be modified or copied by any means
whatsoever without written authorization from TXcom.
All names of products mentioned in this documentation are registered trademarks of
their respective manufacturers.
P/N : 6063
Version 2.03 Septembre 2007