Manual 7-9415-1.4 Page 16
TX RX Systems Inc. 08/31/06
61-65-50 UserMan page 16 of 24
A reduction in system gain will
also result in an equal reduction in the
OLC dynamic range, refer to the sec-
tion titled “OLC” on page 16.
Allows the output power for the uplink and downlink
channels to be independently adjusted in 0.5 dB
increments up to +31 dBm. Note that the OLC cir-
cuitry will maintain the systems output level at the
values you have selected in this menu.
Use this function ONLY if your system is causing
some form of interference to another radio system.
You can only reduce the booster’s output power
with this command.
Insures proper gain readings when changing basic
booster gain by changing the type of plug-in card
Use of this menu is ONLY needed when converting
your stock SB II to a different gain level by chang-
ing the half-gain low level, low level, mid-level plug-
in amplifier card or by the addition of an attenuator
card. The addition of these cards will change the
unit to another model, see table 1. Don’t confuse
this with simple amplifier bypassing to reduce gain.
Uplink and downlink can be set independently.
Choices for gain are Full, Mid or Low and the
ENTER key toggles the gain setting. The corre-
sponding gain level is displayed. Select DONE
using the arrow keys and press ENTER to return to
the menu. Use the CANCEL button to return to the
Status Display.
Detailed Status Screens
These items allow a detailed examination of sys-
tem components including; all amplifiers (current
draw and temperature), the power supply (voltage
level), and the OLC function (present status and
historical archive). Each item is discussed below in
A separate status screen is available for each
amplifier in the system. When an amplifier is
selected this function will display the present cur-
rent draw of that amp as well as its present operat-
ing temperature in degrees Celsius. In addition, a
status message will indicate if the amplifier is con-
nected and whether the amplifier is bypassed or
not bypassed. This menu selection also provides
the option of placing an amplifier in bypass or tak-
ing an amplifier out of bypass.
The current draw will be blank if an amplifier is not
connected, will display BYP if the amplifier is
bypassed, and will display ATTEN if an attenuator
card is being used in place of the amplifier card.
The power amplifier currents will nor-
mally fluctuate up to 850 ma when sig-
nals are present.
This function displays the real time power supply
voltages for both 24 volt and 12 volt supplies.
This screen shows the amount of attenuation pres-
ently being used by the OLC for both the uplink and
downlink channels. In addition, the percentage of
OLC presently being used is also shown.
The amount of OLC currently being
used in either the uplink or downlink
channels is also indicated by LED bar
graph displays located on the display
panel. Each segment represents 2 to
4 dB of attenuation depending on the gain setting
of the booster. The OLC bars should only be active
occasionally and no more than 3 or 4 segments
briefly lit. Constant light bar activity means the
booster gain needs to be reduced for optimum per-
T h e s y s t e m h a s 6 0 d B o f O L C
d y n a m i c r a n g e .
H o w e v e r, t h e
dynamic range of the OLC is reduced
whe n th e u se r se lectable ga in is
reduced. The reduction will be an
equal amount. For instance, if the user selectable
gain is reduced by 20 dB then the OLC dynamic
range will also be reduced by 20 dB.
This screen displays an OLC Datalog which is the
OLC data over the past 100 days for both uplink
and downlink branches of the system. This is a roll-
ing 100 day log with day 101 overlapping day 1 and
so forth. Day zero represents the current day while