Rev: 2020.01.18.v01a
page 8
the build
Building surface should be at least 2ft x 4ft and at. Weights or some small heavy objects will be handy for holding things in place
during the time glue is setting.
Welders or FoamTac glue is used for FOAM TO FOAM joints. Thin and Medium CA can be used on the PLASTIC TO FOAM and
CARBON TO FOAM joints. When using the Welders or FoamTac glue for a butt joint, apply a thin lm to each surface, allow to
sit breiy per mfg instructions, then assemble. Note that this method will create a nearly instant bond, so locate carefully when
bringing the two pieces together. If alignment is necessary or a slip joint, do not allow the glue to tack up, simple apply and join
immediately, you will have several minutes to locate the two parts before the glue sets up. In most cases the parts being glued can be
handled with care in 30 minutes, full cure is approx 24 hours.
Locate all the electronics that
will be used on this model
Create a model on your
Following your radio mfg.
instructions, bind your radio to
the power combo components
Calibrate the ESC.
Conrm all components work