Dec 2017
Trouble-Shooting Guide
1. Motor Does Not Run:
A. Breaker or fuse blown............ Call electrician
B. Faulty wiring connections...... Call electrician
C. Defective start button.............Call electrician
D. Defective capacitor................ Call electrician
2. Motor Runs but Will Not Raise:
A. Oil level too low......................Oil level should be at the MAX Fill Line with lift fully lowered.
B. Check for proper clearance for the release valve’s stem seat.
C. Remove the check valve cover and clean ball and seat.
D. A piece of trash is under the Release Valve. Push handle down and push the up button at the
same time. Hold for 10-15 seconds. This should flush the valve out to remove trash.
3. Motor Runs but Will Not Raise Vehicle:
A. Motor running on low voltage.............Call electrician
B. Lift is overloaded................................Check vehicle’s gross weight
C. Defective pressure relief valve.
4. Oil Blows Out Power Unit Fill Cap:
A. Oil reservoir overfilled.
B. Lift lowered too quickly while under a heavy load.
5. Motor Hums and Will Not Run:
A. Lift overloaded....................... Remove excessive weight from lift.
B. Bad capacitor......................... Call electrician.
C. Low voltage............................Call electrician.
D. Faulty wiring...........................Call electrician.
6. Lift Jerks Up and Down:
A. Air in hydraulic system........... Raise lift all the way to top and return to floor. Repeat 4-6 times
with intervals at least 2 minutes apart. Ensure NOT to overheat the power unit.
7. Oil Leaks:
A. Power unit..............................If the power unit leaks hydraulic oil around the tank-mounting
flange, check the oil level in the tank. The fluid level should not be above the MAX Fill Line.
B. Rod end of cylinder................ The rod seal of the cylinder is defective. Rebuild or replace the
C. Breather end of the cylinder...The piston seal of the cylinder is defective. Rebuild or replace the
8. Lift Makes Excessive Noise:
A. Roller assemblies not moving freely..............Inspect and apply grease.
B. Check for excessive wear on shafts & pins... Inspect and replace.
C. Seals are dry in hydraulic cylinder(s).............Cycle lift as noted in #6.
9. Lift Will Not Lower:
A. Lock Release Cable not properly adjusted....Inspect and adjust.
B. Defective Release Valve............................... Inspect and replace.
C. Defective safety latch mechanism................. Inspect and replace.