1. Fitting/removing the front wheels
Press the metal pins of the front wheels into the
designated holes at the front of the chassis until
they click into place. There is no left and right.
Check the wheels are secure by pulling down on
them. To remove, press the quick release button
on the side of the wheel housing.
From the handle, pull upwards and the front of the
chassis will spring forwards.
Note: the handle will
extend as you open the chassis.
2. Fitting/removing the rear wheels
Press the metal pins of the rear wheels into the
designated holes at the back of the chassis until
they click into place. There is no left and right.
Check the wheels are secure by pulling them
outwards. To remove, pull down on the quick
release button on the inside of the wheel housing.
You can also rest your foot on the rear wheel support
bar for extra stability when opening.
3. Opening the Chassis
In forward facing mode:
Lay the chassis flat on the
floor with the handle facing upwards.
Adjust the seat back rest to the desired height,
by lifting the adjustment handle at the back of
the seat unit.
Note: the handle will extend as you
open the chassis.