1. The DECO symbol will appear. At first, this symbol will
blink for several seconds. Then it will continue to appear,
without blinking, until the IQ-600 determines that manda-
tory decompression stops are no longer required.
2. In place of Maximum Depth, an initial stop depth of 10
ft/3m will appear. If you do not begin an immediate ascent,
initial stop depths of 20 ft/6m, 30 ft/9m, 39 ft/12m or
49 ft/15m will eventually appear (this is highly unlikely,
however, if you use the IQ-600 solely within the recreation-
al diving limits for which it is designed).
Do not ascend above the indicated stop
depth until either a shallower stop depth
appears or the IQ-600 returns to its nor-
mal no-decompression Dive Mode.
3. A stop time will appear, showing how long (in minutes) you
are to remain at the indicated stop depth.
4. A total ascent time will also appear. This indicates the total
of the time you must spend (in minutes) at the current stop,
time required at shallower stop depths (if any), plus ascent
time required between stops.
If the total ascent time exceeds 99 minutes, the display will
alternate between the time required for the current stop and
total ascent time. Again, the likelihood of this occurring is
almost inconceivable, if you use the IQ-600 solely within the
recreational diving limits for which it is designed.